Our Clients


We are most valuable Team for IT services.

For your Businesses or Startup we are providing everything which required for your business in low cost. Services like Web Development, Software Development, Maintainence, Server Development, IT supports, Data Centers, Call Centers, Hosting, Domain etc.
We are strive to understand the importance of the software we’re going to create. We will go ahead and design and develop the software to meet the criteria they identified and the users’ needs. The products they work on may include desktop solutions, mobile applications, SaaS products, and more.

About us

With Documentation

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process used by the software industry to design, develop and test high quality softwares. The SDLC aims to produce a high-quality software that meets or exceeds customer expectations, reaches completion within times and cost estimates.

Code in Blocks

A block code is used to convert software code or an algorithm into any particular form so that errors, if any, in the code can be minimized. Block code can also be applied in the domains of telecommunications, information theory and coding theory.

Logo and Image Design

The general consensus among designers is that logos should be unique, scalable, simple, and work well in monochrome. This is all sound practice, and this article does not argue against any of these mantras. That being said, there is more to gauge quality than these common prerequisites.


If you are building software without having any concern about the security aspects of the software, it will be like building your own house without locks on the doors and windows. So every Software Engineer needs to get an idea about the ways we can secure our applications.

Happy Clients


Hours Of Support

Hard Workers

Our Partners


Our Benifits and Focus

We always focusing to create Responsive Web UI will help any device user.

During development our developer main aim to full-fill customers expectation by sharing temporary testing url. VIKSHRO always shows how much and how it looks now to our clients. Client also can tell us between development for any change by raising tickets on our JIRA platform. Below is the benifits which provided by VIKSHRO for Website UI.

  • First Design then Develop concept we are using with Agile model.
  • Always focus on Responsive website and improving with testing on different devices.
  • We are using PWA Technology to develop any website so that it can installable in any system/devices also when client wants to integrate with android notification it enables on web also.
  • PWA decreses the cost for other platform application Development also it increases the speed as well as trafics of your website.
  • During Testing, SEO test of codes also tested and improve acording to requirement.
  • Premium icons are used to make UI more attractive.

Above are the top beinifits which we are focusing for customer during Web Design and Development. We always try to deliver those products which are 100% tested and defect free.

VIKSHRO Web Design and Development

Security never compromised in any development phase

Security is most part on Internet, For each customer we are providing custom security algorithm it cann't compromised and in each login or registering of user data will be encrypted and system will decide to encrypt and decrypt your data how and when. Custom Security engine check in each step, flow and component if any signature mismatched throw error and inform admin.

We have separate team for Manage your Security and report to developers during Development. Below are the benifits of Our VIKSHRO Security Group.

  • Security will be tested in each code block when completed.
  • Custom Security System helps to tokenise login and process also end-to-end encryptions and signature validation process are run by security system.
  • Any unrecognised activity or vulnerability imideatily tracked by admin.
  • Security Algorithm is different and for sensitive data like password, credit cart details etc. encryption with infinite no. proccesses its depend upon algothim. For each encryption separate signature is there.
  • Two type of signature will be generated by system, 1. Public Signature : Stores in Database,2. Private Signature store in OS of Server.
  • We have highly experienced Cyber Secuirty experts.

VIKSHRO Providing Low Cost small In Home Data Center

In Home Data Center reduces your cost for your Web, Software, APIs Hosting. Also You are free to host any website or software with any website and you can also increase system configuration at any time. VIKSHRO HOME Data Center Software only available with plans. Currently we are working to improve and make different plan for clients. Below is the benifits of VIKSHRO Small Home Data Center.

  • Reduces Hosting VPS cost with multiple and independent Hosting solutions.
  • No need to buy huge server or costly hardwares.
  • No worry about renewal each year. Renewal is not there if your going with our plans.
  • Run from your Office or VIKSHRO office as per your requirement.
  • Secure and Easily monitor.

More Beinifits with our Small Data Center System. Choose us Reduce costing.

SEO Management with Google Business, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Profiles

For Our Valuable customers, We are boosting SEO with low Ads and Also Focusing on social medias. With our Basic SEO Plan we are providing social media profiles and managing daily to boosting your business and try to without any Ads Sevices your all products reach to audience with key tags etc.

We have experience team for SEO Management, Content Writting who will help to rank 1 in any search engine. Benifits of VIKSHRO SEO Algorithm for boosting SEO.

  • We will provide a keyword for Business related to your Business Name. Which is use to direct get your Business on search engine in any part of world.
  • Daily posting contents increase your ranking, wihtin month you will be top 5 in SEO without any Ads.
  • With minimum cost Ads we have keyword nad impression rate checked code which give 90% efficiency to reach 100% to target audience.


We are not only to fulfill all the tasks set by the customer but also to satisfy them with our services in a way that would lead them to choose us as their prime vendor and recommend us to their friends or business partners.

Software Development

These most often include applications for content management, customer management, human resource management and inventory management

Web Development

Web development is extension of standard development with distinctive characteristics such as increased need for iterative development process

Server(Data Center) Development

In-Home Data Center From your office can host your APIs, Websites, Softwares, application which decreases your cost and highly effective

SEO Management

Boosting your Business on Search Engines and Ranking always on top. Also we are managing Ads on Google, Facebook and Other Social Media

Domain and Web Hosting Services

We are also providing domain registeration for your Business as well as low cost best hosting Services. 24/7 support available for all Hosting Users.

Cyber Security

We are Securing your Digital Data with latest algorithms as well as everything in your software and website will be end to end encryption and highly coded.

Atlassian Licenses and Self-Host servers

For Agile work process top most software provider Atlassian like jira, confluence we are providing low cost license and also we will maintain your own hosted server.

API Management

Now Days everything going smart due to APIs. We are also provinding full API Managements with our experts. We are currently have option like Apigee, Akana, Kong, Fusio etc.


We delivered 12k+ projects, From which below is some demo purpose images. We are providing Software/Web Development and maintainence as well as your own data centers, Servers like jira in low cost licenses. Also we have strong and API experts for API Management on Apigee, Kong, Akana

  • All
  • App
  • Web
  • Servers
Edude UI Web

EDUDE: Enhancement in Education


OluO Web UI

OluO : Farmers Store



MSM: Learn Like Pro


Edude Android App

Edude Android APP


OluO App ios

OluO App: ios & Android



MSM Android


VIKSHRO Data Center

Own Hosting Server



Self Managed JIRA


VIKSHRO Confluence Server

Self Managed Confluence



As per our services, Our some of clients and developers provided us feedback and reviews on google and social media. Below are some popular Clients and developers feedback and reviews collected from social media and google.


Prashant Sharma

Client & Supporter

VIKSHRO have highly experienced developers. I am happy with VIKSHRO relationship from last 2 years that it providing all services required for our business as well as there SEO is very faster which help us to grow our business without any advertisement.


K Gupta


After lot of searches we got VIKSHRO, After relationship with VIKSHRO our business grows faster. I most like their tracking facilities as well as very low cost as compare to market. Thanks for Support VIKSHRO.


Jonus Richard


First of All thanks to VIKSHRO, whose developers always available to support us and troubleshoot the errors. When we started we don't know that as a long distance they will not able to handle, But today happy to say that for these guys distance doen't matter. What you want they will provide us before time and low cost.


Duke Russel

Manager : Fx Olympia

VIKSHRO developers have great experience in web3 Technology, Highly recommend and thrustable Development Company from India. They create Crypto Investement app for us, and it have own Security System which make it highly secured Application.

VIKSHRO Freelancer

Himanshu Raj

Freelance Developer

VIKSHRO is thrusted and best freelance source for freelancers, When i joined this team, I got always projects also here we can learn and developed. Lot of experience in development I got from VIKSHRO.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • With whatever we can. Preparing cost analysis, establishing team roles, creating roadmaps. Defining business goals, key business values, target users, main features, prioritising. We can find you similar projects that are already active on the market to benchmark against. We can assist you with creating user personas, mock-ups, user stories, time frame, establishing project status and preparing project estimation. We'll be happy to outline project specification, prepare wireframes, details concerning integrations with external services, API documentation, required features list.

    In terms of project development we prepare server-side architecture, front end, back end, graphic and UX design, and create back-office consoles.

    We are also happy to advise our customers in terms of budgeting, scheduling, risk management, and business model creation.

  • Well, the most important thing to know is what do you want to accomplish. Why do I need this software? What for? What should it do? Having a clear vision in mind is crucial when ordering a software application. You don't want to spend many months developing it with us without being sure what you need. If you have no experience in app development feel free to read our blog entry on that topic. We'll also be glad to help you get started, building projects from scratch is nothing new for us.

  • To give you a precise answer we must prepare a project scope and create a budget. We shall tell you how much of that scope can be completed within the budget and we'll be able to estimate how long will it take after at least a month of work. Don't worry, if you're not happy with our work after two weeks you can retract from the project with no penalties, this is our trial period and we believe that any reliable software house should give you one. Read our blog entry to learn more about our methods.

  • We evaluate the result after every two weeks, we test our work (we conduct both development and acceptance tests), we present it to you, we apply your feedback so you know you get what you are paying for.

  • Hopefully the app is exactly what you dreamed of :) But apart from delivering a finished product, we are happy to provide you with technical support and app maintenance should you need it. After all, we know our work inside out. Of course if you want to maintain the app by yourself the source code and all technical data is at your disposal, but even in that case, feel free to contact us if you need any help.

  • Whether you want to expand your product or create a completely new one simultaneously, and then again focus only on one of your projects, we are always ready to adapt to your requirements. If the work is less intense team size can be reduced. When improvements need to be implemented fast, we can quickly assign additional team members to speed up each phase of the development process.

  • We would not call it exactly a demo version but using Agile Methodolgy compels us to create operating software as soon as possible and later just add next features along the process. Therefore, you'll be able to examine and test your software very early.


For any support related you can contact us here also, Please provide correct phone number email address, so that our one of executive will contact you. Below is our official address where you can reach and contact us directly.

Our Address

Delhi-Meerut Expy, Duhai, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India | 201206

Call Us

+91 7283011798

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